Flower beds

Friday, August 28, 2015

Flower beds

Flower beds

Create a flower bed is not so difficult, you just need to give space to imagination and creativity. The key thing to realize a flowerbed is take account of certain factors such as the soil, space, sunny and sheltered, flowers blooming period and personal tastes. See blossoming a flower bed is a great satisfaction, as well as an emotion and is particularly rewarding both emotionally that creative. Take care of a flower bed can be a way to kick back and a stimulus to give space to our imagination.

The flower beds are easy to design, just a small corner of the garden and delimiter with curb. Where will the flowerbed, fertilize the land is fundamental so that the driving in of annual flowers, from change during each season according to taste of favorite color. To create the color, flower beds and borders is essential. Both are easy to make, you just decide the plants and compositions based on the time that you can devote.

To create a nice colorful effect, you need to know to choose the colors of the flowers. For example the pink to purple will create an effect of harmony or approach the orange with yellow, it will give the impression of brightness. To maintain the best plants, you have to treat them, water them and plant them in the ground right. It is advisable to water the flower beds at night, especially during warm and dry. Fertilizing is important, but be careful not to exaggerate with doses as these damage the plants. For mulching you must use peat, pine bark and gravel to put at the base of the plants.

Bedding plants

flower beds ideasOften in the garden there are unexploited and bare. To avoid leaving these gaps and deserts, you can create a beautiful flower bed with colorful and fragrant plants. If in the garden there is a particularly exposed to the Sun, it is necessary to take pebbles and cover the ground. Just plant the Ophiopogon nigrescens, a Garland with black spots of echeveria. These are plants that love the Sun, the warm and moderate watering. It is also a nice and elegant solution.

In General, the most beautiful flower plants are: la verbena, marigolds, cornflowers, purslane, zinnia. Verbena is a tough little plant, for this reason it is cultivated throughout the year because of the cold and frost, rarely survives. It's good to know that should be sown in April and will bloom in July. The Marigold is very robust, it only needs water, manure and Sun. It has a very fast development and fears a long cold. The portucole is an annual plant which you sow in late March. The cornflowers are plants of many colors, purple, red, white, among these the coolest is the particularly fragrant and cornflower. Finally, the zinnia is a plant from rapid development, it should be sown in April and it only takes a few months to bloom.

flower beds meaning

Flowerbed with herbs

Lately the herbs are becoming increasingly popular in flower beds because they are very easy to care for and require no treatment. Aromatic plants need a land full of organic matter. To form the flowerbed, just dig the soil in the area and free him from the stones, then add sand, peat and terricciati. You can create eight rectangles and delimit the perimeter with bricks placed on top of each other.

To split the rectangles, is well put the bricks in vertical mode. We start from the thymus, which needs calcareous and well-drained soil. It should be added to the land of the flowerbed gravel, sand and Earth to grow. Instead the oregano needs Sun and heat and drained ground.

Place the seedlings planted at least 30 cm apart. The angular stems bear small leaves and bright pink converse. More treatments need the chilli and shallot. Pepper requires hot climate, fertile soil, rich in organic matter. You have to water them always at the foot keeping the soil cool and soak it ever. Instead the shallot, va buried around March as bulbils, possibly in mild climate regions.

This plant needs to be watered often, especially newly planted, when the plant will be well developed, just reduce the amount of water. The parsley and Basil are seedlings to grow from the seed. The parsley takes a fresh soil and humus-rich, while the Basil, all exposed to the Sun and protected from the wind.

Succulents in flower beds

It is very easy to make a flower bed of Succulents. The Succulents are well suited to any environment, from the garden to the flowerbed. Among the most common, it was: the agave, which is not afraid of the cold and goes on display in a sunny spot. You just have to avoid watering from October to March and plant them in a well-drained soil. Aloe is also very popular in gardens and flower beds. It is a succulent plant very flashy and the many advantages. Aloe is a plant particularly difficult to cultivate, so it needs a stony soil and drained.

Flower beds: aromatic Flower

Among the many types of flower beds that you can create in the garden, the aromatic flower beds are undoubtedly among the most popular. The beds of aromatic plants have many positives and many valid reasons to be placed in the garden.

First flower beds are easy to manage and enhance volume and color throughout the year. Aromatic plants do not require more than a vigorous pruning early in the season to eliminate the dry and to stimulate new jets and an abundant manuring always at the beginning of the season, to give a bit of organic substance essential to tackle all the physiological processes of the plant. Also the aromatic plants grow well and if they always give health color border.

In addition to these reasons and "ornamental", the main motivation for pushing to install a bed of aromatics is obviously the need to have fresh herbs for flavor and enrich their own recipes. Rosemary, thyme, Sage, oregano and parsley are just a few of the most used herbs in the kitchen, aromas that are indispensable for many recipes and give everything a fresh taste our dishes.

A bed of aromatic herbs also does not require careful and thorough watering. It is almost always of rustic or Mediterranean species that don't require attention talking large amounts of water and this is certainly to be taken into account if you don't have a plant and even have time to give to drink and water the plants.